Richard Bunting

Communications & Campaigns International

Richard Bunting

Communications & Campaigns International

We have worked with:

Action for Children (formerly NCH)

Amnesty International

Amnesty International UK

Birmingham Children’s Fund



Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Cambrian Wildwood

Child Soldiers International

CPAU (Cooperation for Peace and Unity Afghanistan)

Deep Time Walk

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust

Disasters Emergency Committee

European Commission

Freshwater Habitats Trust

Friends of the Earth

Green Adventures magazine

Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust

Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust

International Commission against the Death Penalty

International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies



International Organization for Migration

Inter-Parliamentary Union

Little Green Space

Minority Rights Group International

MOMS (Maintain Our Maternity Services)

Moors for the Future Partnership

National Housing Federation

1GOAL: Education For All (FIFA World Cup campaign)


Parkinson's UK

Positive Action in Housing



Rewilding Britain

Scotland: The Big Picture

Scottish Community Re:Investment Trust

Sea Watch Foundation

The Conservation Volunteers

The Hebridean Whale Trail

Tourism Concern

Transition Towns

Transparency International

Trees For Life

UK Squirrel Accord


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)



Village Aid

Willows Hedgehog Rescue

Woodmeadow Trust

World Health Organization

Through our work and through our project Little Green Space we have also promoted and supported numerous organisations and good causes in the national and local media. These include:

Arkwright Society; Bakewell & District Organic Gardeners (BADOG); Barnado’s; Bradwell Community Orchard; BTO; Butterfly Conservation; British Beekeepers’ Association; Butterfly Conservation; Cancer Research UK; Chatsworth; Chesterfield Borough Council; Chesterfield & District Beekeepers’ Association; Darley Dale Horticultural Society; Derbyshire Eco Challenge; Elton Gardening Club; Energy Saving Trust; Freshfields Donkey Village; Love Food Hate Waste; Macmillian; Moors for the Future Partnership; National Trust; National Mammal Atlas Project; Natural England; Peak Climate Change Green Festival; Peak District National Park Authority’s Peak Dark Skies project; RSPB; Save the Children; Secret Gardens of Winster; Small Woods Association; Thrive; Transition Matlock;  UK Ladybird Survey; Well Field Allotment Society; Woodland Trust

Our clients